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Directory listing

To enable the file chooser in Daxe, the server simply has to return directory listings when a GET request to a directory is sent by the client. The returned content should be an XML file with the following syntax:

       <directory name="current_dir">
          <file name="example.txt" size="10" modified="2015-08-07T13:49:59"/>
          <directory name="sub_dir"/>

The file size is in bytes. The modified timestamp is using ISO-8601.

To enable file uploads for the file display type, the chooser parameter should be set to true in the configuration file. For instance, the whole element display for HTML's img element would be:

      <ELEMENT_DISPLAY element="img" type="file">
        <PARAMETER name="srcAtt" value="src"/>
        <PARAMETER name="chooser" value="true"/>
        <PARAMETER name="widthAtt" value="width"/>
        <PARAMETER name="heightAtt" value="height"/>
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