


Daxe is an XML editor for the web. It works in the same way as Jaxe, using an XML schema and a configuration file to define the XML language and the editor UI. A number of common element displays are provided with Daxe to make it easy to create a new editor UI for any XML language.

Daxe is written in Dart, which is transformed into Javascript to work in modern web browsers (it does not work on IE before version 9). As with any Javascript application, it works without the need for a plugin.

In itself, Daxe is not very useful, because it cannot open or save a local file (because of browser restrictions). It needs to be either used with the Daxe desktop application, or included into a larger system like a CMS. Daxe is now integrated into WebJaxe, and will soon be used in LON-CAPA.


Using Daxe

An XML file can easily be opened in Daxe with the following parameters:

To integrate Daxe into a larger system and make it possible to save documents, see CMS integration.

Building and testing

Precompiled version

If you have trouble compiling (the Dart SDK is not available on all platforms), you can use this precompiled version, but it will not be up-to-date.




Daxe is licenced under the GPL version 3 or later.

Daxe configuration files


To provide a user interface for a given XML language, Daxe needs the language definition (given with an XML schema) and a configuration file describing the user interface for the language. It works in the same way as Jaxe, but the config files use a different language. An XSLT stylesheet is available in the config directory to transform a Jaxe configuration file into a Daxe one.

Specifically, configuration files contain basic information about the XML language (a link to the schema and a list of root elements), saving options, menus (especially to insert the elements), display types for the elements, and all the strings used in the interface, depending on the user language.

They are located in Daxe's config directory, and their names end with "_config.xml".

Definition of the XML language

Element definition

Element tree

Element tree under Language :

File saving options

Element definition

Element tree

Element tree under Saving :


Menus defined in config files are displayed above Daxe's text area, after the file and edit menus.

Element definition

Element tree

Element tree under Menus :

Node display

An essential feature in Daxe is the possibility to display and edit XML element in different ways, whatever their types in the XML schema. For instance, a table element can be displayed as a table, and an element linking to an image can be displayed as an image. The objective is to ease document editing, without losing of sight their semantics : elements will not be displayed as they will be seen in web pages or PDF documents, but simply with a user interface making edition easier and highlighting the meaning of the elements.

Element definition

Element tree

Element tree under Display :

Display types

Type Description Display
division Two bars extending to the window's right side, clearly separating large areas in the document. images_types/division.png
area Two tags and carriage returns, to separate areas smaller than with division. images_types/zone.png
block A block hiding the start and end tags, as an alternative to division and area. Attributes are displayed on top, in a short or editable view, and the block can be collapsed with a button. images_types/block.png
string Two tags to identify a small string, without any carriage return. images_types/string.png
empty A single tag, typically for an empty element. images_types/vide.png
table Table display allowing the use of XML elements inside the cells. Also handles the rowspan and colspan attributes to gather cells vertically and horizontally. images_types/tabletexte.png
tr Table row.
td Table cell.
style For use in the case (very rare if the XML language encodes the meaning as opposed to the presentation) where an XML element only conveys a style information. Displays the characters in the chosen style (bold, italic, ...), without any tag. An alternative is to use the string type, which can also use a style, but displays the tags. images_types/style.png
file Displays an image based on its path on the disk coming from an attribute of the XML element (to be defined). It is possible to copy/paste images and Daxe will automatically create the XML element and save the image file whenever possible, using the first element of type file. images_types/fichier.png
symbol Special character stored as a UNICODE character within the element tags. If no element has this type, users will still be able to insert UNICODE characters from a table.
list For an element representing a bulleted or ordered list. The sub-element must use the item type. The tags are displayed as for area, with a '+' button to create new items. images_types/liste.png
item List item in a list displayed with the list type. Displayed with bullets or numbers, depending on the list type. images_types/item.png
wlist Displays a list with the default browser display for the HTML ul element. This provides a more WYSIWYG interface than list, because the list tags are hidden (which might also make it harder to edit the XML precisely). The witem type must be used for items. images_types/wlist.png
witem Must be used for items in a list using the wlist type. images_types/witem.png
simpletype Displays an element having a simple value, in a small panel. Usable only for the elements with a simple type in the XML schema. The precise display (text field, menu or checkbox) and the validation are done based on the XML schema constraints. images_types/typesimple.png
equationmem Displays the image of an equation. The equation can be edited by a simple click on the image, with a dialog showing at the same time the text of the equation (using a very simple syntax specific to Jaxe/Daxe) and the corresponding image. The text of the equation is store as an attribute, and the image is encoded in base64 and added as text inside the element. int(1/sqrt(x);x;1;infty)
equatexmem This works in the same way as the previous type, but using a TeX syntax. images_types/equatex.png
form Displays an element and all its sub-elements as a form. Beware not to use this type with elements that could have an infinitely deep subtree ! Sub-elements can be displayed as fields with the field type, or with other types (using other types within a form is only possible with Daxe, not Jaxe). images_types/formulaire.png
field Form field see above
anchor This is used to display WYSIWYG links with the HTML a element. images_types/anchor.png
hiddenp Provides a WYSIWYG interface to paragraph elements. Tags are not displayed, and entering a newline where the paragraph element is allowed automatically triggers the insertion of a new paragraph. images_types/hiddenp.png
hiddendiv Hides elements such as the HTML div to provide a more WYSIWYG interface. A new menu appears in the contextual menu to remove a parent div.
stylespan Normally used on an HTML span element, this makes Daxe use the element with this type to add style to text. Note that it is better to provide semantic elements rather than style ones like span.
hr Displayed as a horizontal line, as for the HTML hr element. images_types/hr.png
br Displayed as a line break, as the HTML br element. This display type might not play well with hiddenp, and should be avoided in general.

Parameters can be specified for some display types, with the Parameter element under Element display.

Display types division and area can have a parameter specifying the name of the attribute to use as a title for the element display.

Display types file and symbol must have a parameter specifying the attribute with the file name.

Display types table must have parameters specifying the elements for the rows and the cells.

Display types style must have a parameter specifying the style.

Display types area and string can have a parameter specifying the style, a parameter with the font family, and a parameter with the font size.

Display types equationmem and equatexmem must have a parameter specifying the attribute to use for the equation text.

Here is a list of all the parameters:

type parameter name description
division and area titleAtt attribute for the title
division, area, string and empty visibleAttributes displays all the attributes on the start tag (true|false)
table colspanAttr attribute to merge columns
table rowspanAttr attribute to merge rows
table alignAttr attribute to align text
wlist type type of list (ul|ol) (unordered/ordered)
style, area and string style BOLD | ITALIC | SUPERSCRIPT | SUBSCRIPT | UNDERLINE | STRIKETHROUGH | FOREGROUND[###,###,###] | BACKGROUND[###,###,###]
area and string font font family
area and string size font size
file srcAtt attribute with the file name
file chooser when set to "true", the file chooser is used to select a file, from the XML file directory
file widthAtt the name of the attribute with the width (in pixels)
file heightAtt the name of the attribute with the width (in pixels)
item image1 first bullet image
item image2 second bullet image
equationmem and equatexmem textAtt attribute with the equation text
anchor nameAtt the name of the name attribute
anchor hrefAtt the name of the href attribute
hiddenp, hiddendiv and stylespan styleAtt the name of the CSS style attribute


All the texts (also called strings) may have to be changed in the interface created with the configuration. Either to improve readability without having to change the schema, or to provide an interface in another natural language for the same schema. Texts may also have to be provided for a set of languages, so that users can edit the same documents, with the same Daxe configuration, but with an interface entirely in their native language.

For these reasons, the Strings element represents a set of strings for a given language and country, and it is possible to specify several in the same config file. On can use for instance language="pt" country="BR" for Brazilian Portuguese, or just language="en" so specify English without any precision about the country.

You may have noticed that the real config file XML elements have French names, even though you see them in English in Daxe and in this documentation. This is because the config file for config files is using these Strings elements to define titles to use for elements when the user's system language is English.

Element definition

Element tree

Element tree under Strings :

CMS integration


The Daxe web application needs to be integrated into a larger system to be able to save documents, as a web application does not have the rights to save a local file. Examples of integration include the Daxe desktop application (written in Dart), WebJaxe (written in PHP) and LON-CAPA (written in Perl).

In addition to a server-side processing of a request to save documents, servers should also provide directory listings with a specific format to let Daxe display a file chooser. This file chooser can be used to let users decide where to save an unsaved document, or to upload files used in the XML, such as image files.

Launching Daxe

The daxe directory on the web server should simply be a copy of the web directory after a build. These files are static and should be cached for better performance. The daxe.html is used for debugging with Dartium, and can be removed in production. The file to launch is named daxe_js.html after a build, and is usually renamed daxe.html for simplicity.

Daxe is using the whole HTML document, using the URL to read parameters. It can be included in an iframe to fit inside a larger document.

The config directory can be purged of configurations that are not used, although they will not cause additional requests if left there. The configuration files are the ones ending in _config.xml, and they are often used with a schema file with a name ending in .xsd.

The following parameters can be passed to the HTML file, as GET parameters. Paths can be relative to the HTML file.


Saving files

When a save parameter is used to launch Daxe, a Save menu and toolbar button will appear.

Upon saving, the server receives a multipart POST request with the path of the document in the path parameter and its content in the file parameter. It replies with the text ok if no error occured, or a string starting with error\n if there was an error. An error message to display to the user can be included after error\n.

Directory listing

To enable the file chooser in Daxe, the server simply has to return directory listings when a GET request to a directory is sent by the client. The returned content should be an XML file with the following syntax:

       <directory name="current_dir">
          <file name="example.txt" size="10" modified="2015-08-07T13:49:59"/>
          <directory name="sub_dir"/>

The file size is in bytes. The modified timestamp is using ISO-8601.

To enable file uploads for the file display type, the chooser parameter should be set to true in the configuration file. For instance, the whole element display for HTML's img element would be:

      <ELEMENT_DISPLAY element="img" type="file">
        <PARAMETER name="srcAtt" value="src"/>
        <PARAMETER name="chooser" value="true"/>
        <PARAMETER name="widthAtt" value="width"/>
        <PARAMETER name="heightAtt" value="height"/>

Extending Daxe


XML editors which do not have knowledge of specific XML languages cannot provide a very good user interface. For instance, it would be hard to edit HTML documents if the p (paragraph) and a (anchor or link) elements from HTML were displayed in the same way. One is a block element, separating parts of the text, while the other is an inline element, which can be mixed with text. While some (usually data-oriented) XML languages can easily be edited with a tree, a tree user interface does not work so well with other XML languages.

On the other hand, creating a new editor from scratch for each XML language is not the most efficient solution, as at least half of the code will be the same from one editor to another. For instance, all editors have to ensure document validity, and they have to provide ways to edit content with a cursor aware of the XML structure. Common parts of XML editors should be reused.

Daxe is an answer to these questions: it provides all the building blocks for a new XML editor for a specific language, many predefined displays for elements which can be associated to the language XML elements, and ways to extend it further and include it into a larger application.

Daxe configuration files provide an easy way to customize the editor for a given XML language using built-in solutions. The following pages describe how to go beyond what can be done with configuration files, especially to create new display types.

Creating a new extension

An extension of Daxe has to be implemented in Dart, so the Dart SDK needs to be installed. Daxe's API documentation can be generated from the the source with the dartdoc command launched in the root of the source tree (the daxe directory).

An extension is a Dart web application. Here is a basic example, adding a new display type named mydn with the class MyDN. This code would be in a file named my_daxe.dart:

      library my_daxe;
      import 'package:daxe/daxe.dart';
      part 'my_dn.dart';
      void main() {
              (x.Element ref) => new MyDN.fromRef(ref),
              (x.Node node, DaxeNode parent) => new MyDN.fromNode(node, parent)
        Strings.load().then((bool b) {
        }).catchError((e) {
          h.document.body.appendText('Error when loading the strings.');

Creating new display types

A display type is defined by a class deriving from the DaxeNode class in the daxe package.

The implementation of the display type class needs 2 constructors, .fromRef() to create a new instance from the language definition of the element, and .fromNode(), to create a new instance from a DOM node. It also needs at least one method, html(), which returns the DOM node for the node to display, with the node id. As an example, let's look at the implementation for the string display, which is simply an inline display with a start tag and an end tag:

      part of nodes;
      class DNString extends DaxeNode {
        Tag _b1, _b2;
        DNString.fromRef(x.Element elementRef) : super.fromRef(elementRef) {
          _b1 = new Tag(this, Tag.START);
          _b2 = new Tag(this, Tag.END);
        DNString.fromNode(x.Node node, DaxeNode parent) : super.fromNode(node, parent) {
          _b1 = new Tag(this, Tag.START);
          _b2 = new Tag(this, Tag.END);
        h.Element html() {
          var span = new h.SpanElement();
          span.id = "$id";
          if (!valid)
          var contents = new h.SpanElement();
          DaxeNode dn = firstChild;
          while (dn != null) {
            dn = dn.nextSibling;
        h.Element getHTMLContentsNode() {

The constructors derive from the fromRef() and fromNode() constructors in DaxeNode, doing all the basic initialization for free. The start and end tags are created in the constructors, using the Tag class. The html() method creates a span for the DOM node, sets the id based on DaxeNode.id, adds an invalid CSS class if necessary, and appends the tags' HTML nodes and the contents in another span. Style is applied to the contents with DaxeNode.setStyle(), and the span is returned.

Another method is overridden, getHTMLContentsNode(), to return the DOM node containing the children, which can be different depending on the implementation of html(). In this case, we can simply return the second child of the node's DOM node, which we can get with DaxeNode.getHTMLNode().

While all display type classes have to derive from DaxeNode, all the methods can be overridden, so these classes have complete control over appearance and resulting DOM, for the node itself and all the descendants.

More customization

Configuration files can be used to customize the menus used to insert nodes, but it is also possible to define menus with custom functions, and only a Daxe extension can implement these. It is also easy to customize the toolbar, the left panel, and the function used to save documents.

Function menus in configuration files are defined with a FUNCTION_MENU element, and these have a function_name attribute with the function name. This function can be added to Daxe in an extension with the addCustomFunction() function in the daxe package.

More customization can be done by passing named parameters to the initDaxe() function:

On top of that, more code can be executed after initialization, by using the fact that initDaxe() returns a Future. Here is an example combining different customizations:

(Daxe's DOM package is included with import 'package:daxe/src/xmldom/xmldom.dart' as x; in this example)

        // use a custom insert panel, MyOwnInsertPanel, implemented elsewhere
        InsertPanel insertP = new MyOwnInsertPanel();
        LeftPanel left = new LeftPanel(insert:insertP);
        ActionFunction saveFunction= () {
          // display an alert after a save
          doc.save().then((_) {
          }, onError: (DaxeException ex) {
            h.window.alert(Strings.get('save.error') + ': ' + ex.message);
        ActionFunction customizeToolbar = () {
          // add a button to insert a mydn node
          Toolbar toolbar = page.toolbar;
          List<x.Element> refs = doc.cfg.elementsWithType('mydn');
          if (refs != null && refs.length > 0) {
            ToolbarBox myBox = new ToolbarBox();
            toolbar.addInsertButton(doc.cfg, myBox, refs, 'my_dn.png');
        Strings.load().then((bool b) {
          initDaxe(left:left, saveFunction:saveFunction,
              customizeToolbar:customizeToolbar).then((v) {
            // more customizations can be added here
          }).catchError((e) {
            String msg = 'Initialization error: ' + (e is String ? e : e.toString());
        }).catchError((e) {
          String msg = 'Initialization error: ' + (e is String ? e : e.toString());

A large example of an extension is LON-CAPA Daxe, which lets LON-CAPA users edit documents using the LON-CAPA language, featuring a mix of HTML and custom elements for online problems. The source code is currently (as of 2017) available here.